Fallaj Almansour Lawyers & Consultants
Building No:4490
Post Code:13241
A law firm in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, licensed by the Ministry of Justice under Fallaj Al-Mansour. It employs an elite group of Saudi consultants from some Arab countries. It exchanges its expertise with a number of law firms in the Arab world and trains with it a number of male and female graduates of the systems and law departments.
Our Goal
Specializing in providing legal services, raising the level of legal awareness, and contributing to achieving and defending justice, in light of the saying of the truth, blessed be He God Almighty: (إِنَّ خَيْرَ مَنِ اسْتَأْجَرْتَ الْقَوِيُّ الْأَمِين).
Our specialty
- Cases before the adjudication and appeal committees in securities disputes of all types: criminal, administrative, and civil (commercial).
- Providing legal advice regarding the companies’ system, the financial market system, and all regulations issued by the Financial Market Authority
- Cases before the adjudication and appeal committees in banking disputes
- Cases before the settlement and appeal committees in financing disputes
- Cases before commercial courts
- Commercial arbitration cases
- Providing legal advice regarding commercial and related systems, such as: (financing, real estate financing, banking relations and transactions, insurance, commercial agencies, intellectual property rights, combating concealment, commercial fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing)
The office is keen to only provide its clients with other legal services such as: (drafting and reviewing contracts and decisions, following up on some legal and administrative procedures, labor and customs issues, and matters related to zakat and tax).
Participating in training a number of female and male graduates of the systems and law departments
We currently specialize in issues of committees for resolving securities disputes at the Capital Market Authority, in cases of committees for resolving banking and financing violations and disputes at the Central Bank, in commercial cases in commercial courts, and in the field of consultation in all commercial systems, for example: in companies and governance. , transformation, listing, merger, liquidation, bankruptcy, labels, commercial agencies, etc.