Thagr Jeddah Private Schools for Boys
It was founded by Sheikh: Abdul Aziz Abdullah bin Obaid. On Saturday morning, the twenty-eighth of the sixteenth year after the four hundred and thousandth year, it witnessed its first launch, where a giant was born and the rest of the giants support the march of progress and sophistication for this generous nation by providing distinguished educational services with the vision of the country’s rulers. According to the Ministry of Education system. This giant edifice contains model classrooms equipped with the latest modern learning technologies that will serve all the educational and psychological aspects of the student. It also includes all laboratories equipped with the latest equipment that help in providing curricular and extracurricular activities that contribute to the formation of the student’s cognitive personality. Since its inception until now, the schools have been distinguished in the field of education and student curricular and extracurricular activities.
Location:Jaddah ,Saudi Arabia