Ammar Arch
Building No:0
Post Code:0
Commercial Reg:0
who are we?
Ammar Ahmed Banafa Engineering Consulting Office is located in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The office provides all engineering consulting services, including architectural and interior designs, executive plans, implementation supervision, as well as project management and others. Our many projects vary in their uses between residential and commercial, and in different locations. Throughout Saudi Arabia.
Architectural Design
Providing the architectural design idea for plans and facades that meet the user’s desire and special needs according to our vision as specialists.
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Interior Design
It is a service for showing 3D interior decoration designs, furnishings, lighting and decorative pieces according to the desired style.
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Executive plans
Drawings delivered to the contractor in order to begin implementation work and clarify the details that help the contractor implement the project as it was designed.
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project management
A service aimed at managing the project, starting from the feasibility study and contracts, through the technical, financial, time and other project management, and ending with project delivery.
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Supervising implementation
Field supervision and follow-up of project implementation processes to ensure quality and efficiency.
Modern techniques
AR and virtual reality (VR), 3D printing, 360 degree street view
*We also obtain building permits and all official documents required to implement projects