The advertising Co
Standard Phone:0114770878
Other Phones (1):0505282287
Other Phones (2):0559201234
Building No:8383
Street:King Abdulaziz Street (Old Tar) , Al-Qabbani Buil ding, Fifth Floor
Post Code:12623
Commercial Reg:1010192867
The Blue Pages Directory is the largest commercial and industrial encyclopedia in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, issued by the Riyadh Chamber, issued by Arafa Jeddah, issued by the Makkah Chamber, issued by Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, excellence, credibility and spread, the largest informational reference for commercial and industrial establishments in the Kingdom, complete updating of information, wide spread within The Kingdom and outside the Kingdom, through the website, the mobile application, and the printed directory, the ability to search for data by name and activity, and we have the expertise and energies that qualify us to provide our services to meet the needs of our customers dealing with us through the largest industrial and informational trade encyclopedia and the most widespread inside and outside the Kingdom with free distribution Through the Chambers of Commerce and Industry
The advertising Co
Address: Jeddah - King Abdullah Road - Al-Hada Building,
phone number :0126570506
Other Phones :0559201234
fourth floor